Friday, August 01, 2008

The Tech Blog

As some of you might have noticed already, I created a new blog names 'Techie Titbits'. It is about technical titbits that I encounter over my journey through internet mostly and some others otherwise. It is not really about new breakthroughs or about never-seen-before information. It is several interesting and useful stuff put together.

Often these are issues that I had faced myself. I googled the problems, checked relevant forums or consulted offline resources to solve them. And then I thought, why not put them in one place so that others might be saved the pain of doing the same research. Also, I figured out that there were a few problems that I encountered more than one time. Specially related to coding. Say, how do you connect to a MySQL server using php? I once did some php coding and had figured it out. Recently, I was writing a new php code and I realized that my memory had failed me. So this blog is also like a archive for technical issues-solutions for me. Hope you enjoy it too.

Let me know if you have any suggestions. Anything related to the content, design or whatever. If you are having some technical issue recently, tell me about it too. I might help you solve it. Or if you already have the solution, I can post it here with due acknowledgment.

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