Sunday, August 19, 2007


It took me more than two months to break the pause ... seemed like a dead end but hopefully, this post will mark its recovery, I mean, the blog's which is already half-dead

Well, so what's new? There was nothing important about June 12th and it's the same for August 19th. More than what have changed in my life is what have stayed the same. The Koushik which landed on 9th August last year on the US was hardly any different than the Koushik today. Yeah, it is slightly over an year now since I came to this country.
This whole year revolved mostly around two points. The adviser and the qualifier. In both cases, I got what I wanted and that's pretty much as far as it goes. As for the progress in PhD, it's null, or delta positive to be precise :) There were plans to promote this noble cause of research in summer but there was hardly any in reality. Hope things get better in Fall.

As usual I wasn't that enthusiastic about the text books but managed to go through a few fantasies. "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" was awesome. I enjoyed the "Ptolemy's Gate", 3rd one of the Bartemeaus series too. I watched the 5th Potter movie. This was the first movie which I had read the original book. Well, the movie is no match for the book, it's nowhere close to the original thrill of the story.

I got the driving permit. That was the easy part. Now I need to learn driving and I don't know how. I have never set my hand on the steering before and quite naturally people are hesitant to lend me their car. As for the formal driving schools, the rates are way to high. I am looking for a cheaper option. Let me know if you know of one.

Last weekend was a bit different. Got to meet a few friends from college. It was nice. Sagnik drove and in spite of some initial problems, drove quite well. Shivanand and Bhujo were the chief navigators. Arnab and I were there too. There could have been six of us unless Rajshekhar had ditched us at the last moment. Well, on second thoughts it was really nice of him to come down to Chicago for just one evening to meet us. Our one day trip to Marshall park was great. Check my orkut album for the pics.

As such things are okay. Problem is that things are not good, at least not good enough. Be optimistic, man! Things can only get better.